W E L C O M E T O E L E M E N T A L S - we provide a range of natural therapies to keep your horse in optimum health.
Sydney, West to Nepean River, Penrith, Clarendon, Box Hill, Maraylya
North West Sydney, Glenorie, Dural, Arcadia, Galston, South, Helensburgh, Darkes Forest, South West Sydney, Bringelly, Badgery's Creek, Silverdale, Wollondilly Shire, Camden, Southern Highlands, South Coast to Kiama/Berry, Sydney NSW Australia
0419 003 530
Bodywork & Groundwork for all Horses

Sascha & her "warhorse"

Based in Appin (near Sydney, NSW Australia) Rebecca Booth has experience in treating horses from diverse backgrounds including racing (harness & galloping), eventing, dressage, showjumping, western, endurance, trail riding, pleasure and even jousting.
We offer:
Equine Sports Therapy
The Tellington Method (TTouch/TTEAM)
Neuro-fascial Therapy
Low Level Laser Therapy
Sure Foot Pad Practitioner
Photonic Acupuncture
Bemer Electro Magnetic Rug
Individual groundwork sessions
Energy Healing
Tellington Products
Practitioner Training for the Tellington Method
A variety of workshops/clinic
The performance horse is the ultimate athlete; why not treat it like one. Covering Wollondilly, Camden, Southern Highlands, South Coast, South Sydney and South West Sydney, we have been providing services to the Equine Community since 2002.
Rebecca has been a guest lecturer for Equine Rehabilitation at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga and is available for workshops, clinics or presentations. Rebecca offers 1 to 3 day workshops in Bodywork, Red Light, Groundwork and the Tellington Method
Check our website, it is jam packed with interesting information. I look forward to speaking with you if you have questions.
The welfare of the horse is our number 1 priority.