W E L C O M E T O E L E M E N T A L S - we provide a range of natural therapies to keep your horse in optimum health.
Sydney, West to Nepean River, Penrith, Clarendon, Box Hill, Maraylya
North West Sydney, Glenorie, Dural, Arcadia, Galston, South, Helensburgh, Darkes Forest, South West Sydney, Bringelly, Badgery's Creek, Silverdale, Wollondilly Shire, Camden, Southern Highlands, South Coast to Kiama/Berry, Sydney NSW Australia
0419 003 530
Since 2002, Elementals Equine Therapies has been providing natural care for your horse. The horse's health and comfort is our priority and we support the use of ethical, horse centric, holistic management practices. We work as part of a health care team with other professionals such as veterinarians, herbalists, dentists, farriers and other therapists.
Our Team
Rebecca Booth, Director, has been around horses since she was 3 years old and appreciates the strong relationship that can be formed between horse and human. She has experience in treating horses from diverse backgrounds including racing (harness & galloping), eventing, dressage, showjumping, reining, western, trail riding and pleasure.
Rebecca's qualifications include:
B.A. (Psychology)
Certificate of Equine Sports Therapy
Certificate of Equine Massage
Equine TTeam Practitioner (Tellington Touch Equine Awareness Method) EQ3
Reiki I & II
Equine Accupressure
Diploma of Remedial Massage
Short courses in The Masterson Technique, Dr Kerry Ridgway Myofascial Release, Jillian Kreinbring Biomechanics
Rebecca has also lectured at Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga on the Massage component of Equine Rehabilitation.
Tara - also known as the Director of Quality Control often accompanies Rebecca on her appointments. She is well socialised and the work diary resembles her social diary. She is well behaved and comfortable off lead playing with your dogs, on lead or even in the car if you prefer.

Our Vision
We are committed to being the preferred provider of a comprehensive equine bodywork service specialising in performance and wellbeing. We will do this through:
the provision of a professional service
putting the welfare of the horse as our number one priority
offering exceptional customer service
a commitment to continued education
forming strategic partnerships with other health care professionals
conducting clinics specialising in bodywork and groundwork technicues to improve functional movement
Our Partners
We are proud to work closely with The Naturalcare Company to promote a holistic natural, health care service covering horses, human and dogs. Linda Vojkovic, Director is a Medical Herbalist who has studied a wide range of natural therapies spanning both Oriental and Western philosophies. Her qualifications include:-
Advanced Diploma of Herbal Medicine
Member of NHAA
Certificate of Reiki
Touch for Health Kinesiology
Iridology (human clients)
Equine & Canine Iridology
Linda is available for individual herbal consultation and iridology assessments. She also provides a free short consultation to ensure the products you have chosen for your horse are the most appropriate.
To find out more about The Naturalcare Company, please visit their website www.naturalcare.com.au