W E L C O M E T O E L E M E N T A L S - we provide a range of natural therapies to keep your horse in optimum health.
Sydney, West to Nepean River, Penrith, Clarendon, Box Hill, Maraylya
North West Sydney, Glenorie, Dural, Arcadia, Galston, South, Helensburgh, Darkes Forest, South West Sydney, Bringelly, Badgery's Creek, Silverdale, Wollondilly Shire, Camden, Southern Highlands, South Coast to Kiama/Berry, Sydney NSW Australia
0419 003 530
Holistic Health for People
I have provided information below regarding Holistic Health Pracitioners that I recommend. The entries in BOLD are people that I use personally and am extremely happy to promote. Other listed are recommended by several customers.

Sally Watson
Narellan Osteopathy
Ph: (02) 4647 6700
Sally began her Osteopathic career under the guidance of highly experienced Osteopaths in Windsor. In October of 2003 she established Osteopathy Narellan. Sally has also been a supervising clinician and practical examiner for the Osteopathic program in the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences at UWS for a number of years.
Sally treats a range of musculoskeletal injuries. However, she has special interest in Lower Back/Pelvis/Hip Disorders, Tendon Pathology, Neck and Jaw pain.
Visit Sally on her Website or Facebook

Jaimie Russell
Macarthur Mobile Massage
Ph: 0410 175 259
Remedial Massage Therapist
Jamie is fully qualified, insured, totally awwesome AND she comes to your home in the Macarthur area, NSW
Visit Jaimie on Facebook

Fiona Lewis
Ph: 0425 242 446
Fiona offers Acupuncture and Chiropractic treatments at her clinic in Bowral, NSW. Chirotechnic brings over 16 years experience in Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Facial Rejuvenation healing techniques that aid recovery from injury, enhance performance and maintain your general health. Fiona is able to treat a wide range of symptoms and can tailor individual treatments or programs to your unique needs. As an added bonus Fiona also treats horses and dogs. My dogs have had regular acupuncture treatments and she is someone I refer to if a horse needs Chiropractic work.

Violet van Hees
"Move Better. Feel Better. Do Stuff Better"
Based in Whitehorse, Yukon (Canada), Violet is a Feldenkrais Practitioner®, a Tellington TTouch® Equine Practitioner, and a BCRPA Trainer of Fitness Leaders with an extensive background in movement science, applied biomechanics, energy work and teaching. I also have completed Kathy Kain’s “Touching Trauma: Touch Skills Training for Trauma Therapists” Somatic Practice training, which is grounded in Dr. Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing work.
Personal sessions via Skype highly recommended.
Visit Violet on her Website or Facebook