W E L C O M E T O E L E M E N T A L S - we provide a range of natural therapies to keep your horse in optimum health.
Sydney, West to Nepean River, Penrith, Clarendon, Box Hill, Maraylya
North West Sydney, Glenorie, Dural, Arcadia, Galston, South, Helensburgh, Darkes Forest, South West Sydney, Bringelly, Badgery's Creek, Silverdale, Wollondilly Shire, Camden, Southern Highlands, South Coast to Kiama/Berry, Sydney NSW Australia
0419 003 530
Horses Placed
Enjoy reading some of our successful rehoming stories
Lombo Saetta
Rehomed to me. Fergus is an enormous Standie who I met when I was studying to become an Equine Sports Therapist. He was one of my case studies and he was a
a pacer with Greg Lewis. He had 64 starts. I kept saying to his trainer, he is too big to race and he always disagreed. One day he rang me and said, "he is too big to race, do you want him." I was around there so quick he barely had time to hang up the phone. Fergus was my riding horse for 14 years and the first Standie I restarted myself.
Trainer Greg Lewis

Havana Rey
Rehomed to me. Havana was a very successful racehorse winning the Group 2 Ajax Stakes. He had 27 starts. I started treating him when he was based with Bjorn Baker Racing. Bjorn often said to me that he loved how much time I spent with him, I do not think he realised a part of that was smooching. Havana was meant to race in the Emirates Cup and was retired while he was in Melbourne for the race. I had no hesitation in saying he could live with me forever.
Rehomed direct from owners

Brilliant Meteor
Rehomed to me. Finn had 26 starts and I met him when I was working with David Pfieffer Racing. I noticed him the moment he appeared at the stable and I treated him throughout his career. I was so annoying about him, they started calling him Rebecca's horse. He retired with an injury and has been with me ever since. Like all my horses, he enjoys retirement, some liberty and groundwork. He also helps out with marketing and
education. Trainer David Pfieffer

Hurricane Harbour
Rehomed to me. I met Darby straight out of his pre-training when he was with Mitch Newman. He was always a pleasure to treat and we formed a good bond over the 3 years he was there. He moved to a new trainer, Jarrod Austin who humoured my obsession by allowing me to call in for cuddles. Darby had 36 starts. He arrived Dec 2020 and is a much loved member of the family.

Retort Courteous
Retort Courteous (NZ) aka Hugo was born in NZ and raced in Australia. I treated him through his entire racing career. He had 46 starts. He was a royal pain in the butt as a colt lol but a gorgeous gelding.
He was rehomed to Amanda who is retraining him in Classical Dressage. He has attended several riding clinics and also goes for trail rides.
Rehomed via word of mouth
Trainer: Stephen Englebrecht

Homeland (NZ) aka Dallas is a Standardbred, bred for pacing. I treated him for a couple of months when he moved to Tim Butt Racing. He showed a lot of promise early on but later in his career he decided galloping was his thing.
He has been rehomed to Mel, who will give him a good spell before restarting him for trail riding and endurance. She fell for him at first sight.
Racing Images courtesy
Rehomed via word of mouth
Trainer: Tim Butt

Ashkannd (Fr) raced in France before heading to Australia where he had 42 starts. I met him when he moved to Richie Litt's stable. Frenchie had a reputation as being difficult and he was certainly very defensive. When it came to rehoming him, I made a pact with him that if I couldn't find the perfect person for him, he could live me. Two groups of people came to see him, he bailed up the first couple. The second lady said no BUT her friend said yes. She was his PERFECT match.
Rehomed to Mikke and being retrained in dressage and showing. Also does bareback riding, liberty and "circus tricks".
Rehomed via Facebook Advertising
Trainer: Richie Litt

Brogue (NZ) aka Brogue is full brother to Hugo above. He also raced in Australia and I treated him through his entire racing career. He had 32 starts. He was always a favourite around the racing stable.
He was rehomed to Michele who is retraining him in Working Equitation and Dressage. He has also been to riding club training days, obstacles clinics and on group rides.
Rehomed via word of mouth.
Trainer: Stephen Englebrecht

Smokin' arrived at the stables of Steve Englebrecht Racing in 2014. Unfortunately he did not seem to take to the racing scene and a quick decision was made to rehome him to a new life. He had only 3 starts. His stunning good looks meant he was rehomed very quickly to Trainor Equestrian where he received some great retraining.
He caught they eye of Fiona and they have been together ever since. Proving thoroughbred are amazing all rounders, Joey and Fiona primarily do eventing/jumping but also dressage, working equitation and trail riding.
Rehomed via Facebook & Word of Mouth.
Trainer: Stephen Englebrecht

Call Me Arthur
I met 17hh Arthur when he was with David Pfieffer Racing as a 3 year old. He had been trialled a few times and raced once before he suffered a career ending tendon injury.
He was rehomed to Page, who nursed him through his injury. He has been rehabbed and currently lives in the Southern Highlands enjoying the freedom of a herd life. He is very loved, as you can see.
Rehomed via Facebook .
Trainer: David Pfieffer

Reference & Bolord
I met both these guys at Gwenda Markwell Racing. Reference (Flipper) was a cute little chestnut with a lot of personality and Bolord (Vinnie) a handsome, cuddly dude who loved to poke his tongue out.
Now known as Diego and Sid, both were rehomed to Claudia, who is retraining them in a number of disciplines including jumping and dressage. Diego continues to be cheeky and keeps Claudia on her toes. Sid is showing some skill as an allrounder.
Rehomed via Facebook .
Trainer: Gwenda Markwell

Excelsior aka Riley is a head-turning, handsome horse with a lovely temperament. He was always a favourite to treat as he was very keen on making sure I understood EXACTLY what was going on with him. He then relaxed and let it all go.
He has been rehomed to Nicole and has moved to Wagga Wagga. He will do a bit of everything and live on a fabulous 100-acre property.
Rehomed via Facebook.
Trainer: Gwenda Markwell

Doctor Mancini
Doctor Mancini aka Doctor is a classic looking thoroughbred, He has a calmness to his energy which is a joy to be around. He could do almost anything and was snapped up via his photo's.
He has been rehomed to Elinor and has moved to a 25 acre property in Somersby, NSW. She will wait to see what he is suited to and will retrain him herself. Elinor fell in love as soon as he got off the transporter. as she said "the connection was immediate". I cannot wait to see what happens with this partnership
Rehomed via Facebook .
Trainer: Gwenda Markwell

Design Ahead
Design Ahead aka Mikey is a strong, athletic horse that needed some time to recover from an injury and an experienced person. In stepped Piper whom I have known since she was a young teenager. Piper has a lot of experience retraining racehorses and was looking for her next horse. His looks and breeding were enough for her to race down to meet him,
He now lives in Picton NSW with a new horsey friend. Piper will retrain him herself for eventing. I expect he will excel in this field.
Rehomed via Facebook .
Trainer: Gwenda Markwell

Esteem Spirit
Esteem Spirit aka Biscuit is a stunning, warm horse. His quiet energy wraps around you like a gentle hug. I felt he would be perfect for EAL/EFL type work and this is exactly where he has landed.
He has been rehomed to Robyn and which be part of a start up Equine Assisted program for teenagers with special needs. I am certain he will do an amazing job.
Rehomed via Facebook .
Trainer: Gwenda Markwell

Varinka is a 4-year-old thoroughbred mare. Bay, with the smallest white star and two white socks on her hind legs. She is smart, pretty, nicely put together, and sound. I feel she could do anything, her conformation and size make me think she could jump.
Layla has been rehomed to Lucy, a trusted retrainer who will see what she is suited for and then find her perfect match
Rehomed via Faceboword of mouth.
Trainer: Gwenda Markwell

My Field Marshal (NZ)
Monty aka My Field Marshal (NZ), is an athletic, NZ standardbred (pacer) with stunning good looks. He is approx 16hh, 9 years old, dark bay/brown. He was highly successful in his racing career and we are looking for a very special home for him. He is much loved by the trainer and his family as you can see in the photo's. I found him easy to be around when I treated him and he has a quality of muscle that comes with a high-performance athlete. He is smart, confident and loving.
Monty has been rehomed to Ellie and her family in Exeter, NSW. He fell in love with them, the moment they met, and they loved him too. He will be restarted under saddle after a break. they hope to do a bit of farm work, trail riding, maybe endurance and even team sorting. AND I still get to see him.
Rehomed via Facebook.
Trainer: Tim Butt

Plus Belle La Vie
Ella aka Plus Belle La Vie, is a strikingly beautiful dark brown mare. she retired sound and is suitable for pretty much anything but would make an amazing dressage or show horse. Her new person came to meet another horse who was not suitable so we wandered down the road to meet Ella, and they clicked straight away.
Ella has moved to the Camden area with Jess, she will be retrained as an all-rounder. I am sure we will see her in the show ring very soon,
Rehomed via Facebook.
Trainer: Lauri Parker

Lady aka Eavie is a stunning brown/dark bay mare. She didn't really care for racing so her owners contacted me about rehoming her. She is easy-going, sound, and stunning so it did not take long.
Lady has been retrained in eventing and is now a great all-rounder. She is loved by Lorien and lives in Appin NSW
Rehomed via Word of Mouth.
Referred by Owners


Jeteye aka Luke, is a striking 4 year old young dark brown/black gelding. He was retired sound from racing after some inconsistent form. I did not get a chance to advertise him. I took his photo's on a Friday and showed them to a friend. She mentioned him to someone on Saturday who rang me and he was picked up on Sunday. Katie was looking for a smaller thoroughbred to enter into the Race to Ranch competition. Jeteye has moved to a very large cattle and sheep property at Ellerston, NSW. Katie also does classical dressage and this will form part of his new career.
Rehomed via Word of Mouth.
Trainer: Gwenda Markwell

Pioneer aka Pi brings a smile to my face just thinking about him. He is big, strong, gentle and kind. I advertised him on Facebook as suited to trail riding or for a more non-competitive rider who just wants to enjoy their horse. He is approx. 16.3hh and 6 years old. He has helped the younger horses in the stable settle and taught them how to navigate the swimming pool etc. He found an awesome home in Exeter, NSW as a companion horse. he will also do some groundwork and light riding.
Rehomed via Facebook.
Trainer: Gwenda Markwell