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I N F O R M A T I O N  

A R E A S   S E R V I C E D


We service the following areas regularly:


  • Wollondilly Shire
  • Camden

  • Southern Highlands

  • South Coast to Kiama/Berry/Nowra

  • South Sydneye.g. Helensburgh, Darkes Forest


If you are uncertain or outside these areas, please contact me on 0419 003 530 to see if we can assist.


One of our founding principles is to ensure people have access to cost-effective, professional bodywork treatments for their horses.  To this end, whilst we certainly could charge more, there has been a conscious choice to keep prices as low as possible. 


My home base is Appin NSW 2560 and all pricing has been calculated based on the distance of travel.
Not certain which price range you fall into?  Click Here to find out.


Up to 50km : $100.00

51km to 100km : $110.00

100km + : by special arrangement $POA



Take $10 off per treatment if you book regular maintenance treatments for your horse;

Take $10 off if your horse is located in Appin;


Special rates for Racing clients based on the volume of work.  Please ask.



Please note:  These prices are effective immediately for new customers and 1 July 2022 for current regular customers.


Elementals Equine Therapies

P.O. Box 50

APPIN  NSW   2560

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© 2002 - 2020 Elementals Equine Therapies - Rebecca Booth

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