W E L C O M E T O E L E M E N T A L S - we provide a range of natural therapies to keep your horse in optimum health.
Sydney, West to Nepean River, Penrith, Clarendon, Box Hill, Maraylya
North West Sydney, Glenorie, Dural, Arcadia, Galston, South, Helensburgh, Darkes Forest, South West Sydney, Bringelly, Badgery's Creek, Silverdale, Wollondilly Shire, Camden, Southern Highlands, South Coast to Kiama/Berry, Sydney NSW Australia
0419 003 530
Photographers, Graphic Designers, Web Designers

Dean Bint
Art Beatz
PH: 0409 806 609
Dean Bint from Art Beatz has been my Graphic Designer for a number of years. In that time he has helped create logo's, business cards, one way vision back window advertising. He is also tackling the task of car wrapping, He is highly recommended for his creativity and attention to detail.
Email: dean@artbeatz.com.au

Karen Kemp
Web Design
PH: 0412 223 290
Karen is a Freelance Web Designer and has looked after my website for a number of years. This website is her "baby" and I couldn't be happier. She is patient and professional with great ideas.
Email: kkem7509@bigpond.net.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karen.kemp

Talina Wilson TalinaC Photography
PH: 0403 900 232
Beautiful photographs that capture the essence of the moment. TalinaC Photography provides unique portrait, sport, equine and landscape photography services across New South Wales, Australia. Available for Private shoots and at horse events. Talina is credited with some of the photo's on this website.

Heather Swan Photographer
PH: 0404 468 729
Heather is a creative, intuitive photographer. She has a studeio located in Douglas Park, NSW but is equally comfortable on location. She is a professional Portrait Photographer specialising in Glamour, Mothers and Babies and Brides. She has taken a number of photo's on this website.
Email: heather@a1000words.com.au
Website: www.a1000words.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/a1000words.com.au