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Life after Racing


I have provided information below regarding information/ resources which may be useful when transitioning your Off the Track racehorse to a Life after Racing.   Feel free to browse or use the buttons below to find specific information. 



General Information
Nutrition & Diet
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome

General Information

The Retired Racehorse Project

The Retired Racehorse Project is located in the USA but they have some great information on their website covering Soundness, Care and Nutrition etc.


Visit the  Website

Racing Australia Horse Search

Do you want some information about your Australian Thoroughbred horse? Each State has its own search engine for names however the most central location is on the Racing Australia website.  You will need to know your horse's racing name for this search.  If you only have the brand,  and you are not a member of the Australian Studbook, there is a great Facebook Page called Australian Brand Searches "Only"


To search for your horse by name Click Here
To request a search via brand Click Here



Raising the Standards

Raising the Standards is a great organisation that has an informative Blog offering advice on retraining your Standardbred.  Nicole Tassone is an experienced Standie retrainer and also offers a comprehensive training program which may be of interest


For the Blog Click Here

Visit the Website or Facebook



Harness Racing Australia & NZ Horse Search

Do you want some information about your Australian harness horse?  Confused by what their brand means? Harness Racing Australia has a lot of information which can help


For how to read the Standardbred Brand (Aus and NZ) Click Here

To search for your Australian Standardbred Click Here

To search for your NZ Standardbred Click Here



nutrition & diet

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Off the Track Thoroughbreds - Nerida Richards

Nerida Richards of Feed XL is one of Australia's top Equine Nutritionists.  She has written many articles related to transitioning your OTTTB in relation to their diet. There is also software available to analyse the diet of your horse.


Click here for a relevant article. 

Visit the  Website

Poseidon Equine

Poseidon Equine has a great, free  E Book providing some useful tips regarding feeding your Off the Track Horse.  They are also the creator of Digestive EQ which has helped many horse transition to a Life after Racing.  They are based in NSW with Distributors Australia Wide.


To download the book click here

Visit the Website


It is estimated that approximately 80% of racehorses have ulcers  Many Off the Track horses continue to suffer from this painful condition.  There are many ways to address EGUS and it can be a very individual thing for each horse.  Consultation with a vet is important. There is also a number of complementary options available for treatment which are very effective in conjunction with Veterinary medication in Acute cases.  Complementary options are often very effective for maintenance.


Ulcer Fact Sheet
The Horse Magazine
Dr Kerry Ridgway
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome

Excerpt from Fact Sheet

"Veterinarians have long recognized gastric (stomach) ulcers in horses. These ulcers—painful erosions of the tissue lining the gastrointestinal tract—can occur anywhere from the lower esophagus, throughout the stomach, and into the first part of the small intestine called the duodenum. In 1999 veterinarians adopted the term “equine gastric ulcer syndrome” (EGUS)."


Click here for a Fact Sheet on Ulcers


Dr Kerry Ridgway is a vet who was a pioneer in a number of areas including Fascia, hoof imbalances (Laterality) and EGUS.  On his website there are a number of articles plus an online course on EGUS.  


Visit the Website or Facebook



Diagnosing & Treating Ulcers
The Horse Magazine

Excerpt from Article

"In adult horses, gastric ulcers occur more frequently in horses that perform athletic activities, with the highest frequency found in Thoroughbred racehorses (80-90%), followed by endurance horses (70%), and show horses (60%). Researchers have found that exercise increases gastric acid production and decreases blood flow to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract."


Click here for a Article on Diagnosing and Treating Ulcers



Retraining your Off the Track Thoroughbred or Standardbred can be very exciting.  There are many different ways to tackle this from doing it yourself, having a trainer help you or sending them to a specialist trainer. Racehorses have been conditioned as the ultimate athletes and their muscles have been developed specifically for their racing careers, it can take time to retrain their bodies to a different job.  Allowing 6 to 18 months is not unusual for them to adapt.  Finding the right path for you and your horse can be confusing and may require a number of changes in direction.  There is a tonne of information and help out there. You just need to find which path is right for your horse. 

The Tellington Method

The Tellington Method is an ideal starting point for the retraining of your racehorse.  it can be used in conjunction with any type of training or discipline.  Many ex racehorses struggle with their balance, proprioception and body awareness and this can make learning a new task difficult.  They can also rely habits that may no longer be useful.  The Tellington Method is an excellent way of retraining that will also build trust and confidence at the start of your partnership.  It will create a solid foundation for any new learning to occur. There is a lot of videos and information available and also a number of Practitioners in Australia.


Click here for a link to Tellington Articles

Visit the Website or Facebook 


Manolo Mendez 

Manolo Mendez is a highly skilled and intuitive horseman.  He has helped train thousands of horses and more importantly horse people over many decades.  He continues to evolve and has a strong focus on the horse, their comfort, biomechanics, and minimising stress in a truly holistic approach.  Manolo has many educational videos, DVDs, courses available. 


Click here for a recent Facebook post regarding Off the Track horses or


Visit the Website or Facebook 


Warwick Schiller's Performance Horsemanship

Warwick Schiller has a comprehensive website packed with information. Warwick's training method is based on trust, understanding behaviour, and communication.  He offers clinics, online training and more.  This is ideal for people who are planning on retraining their Off the Track horse themselves.


Visit the Website or Facebook 



SS Equine

Sarah Solomona is located in Dean Park, Sydney.   SS Equine services specialise in retraining from the racetrack and working with green horses of any breed to be confident and responsive under saddle and on the ground. She is a listed retainer for Harness Racing NSW and has a lot of experience retraining Standardbreds.  She also works with other breeds including Off the Track Thoroughbreds. 


T: 0406 612029


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Elementals Equine Therapies

P.O. Box 50

APPIN  NSW   2560

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© 2002 - 2020 Elementals Equine Therapies - Rebecca Booth

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